出演は地元の中高生と米海軍佐世保基地のE.J.キング ミドル/ハイスクールの皆さん。そして世界的にも名高い米海軍第七艦隊音楽隊の出演も決定しました!
The U.S-Japan Friendship Concert 2024 will be held on Sunday, March 24th at Arkas SASEBO.
Students from local schools and E. J. King Middle High School will perform their brass band music. And The U. S. Navy SEVENTH Fleet Band, a world renowned music organization will join the stage!
This annual event has been held since 2009 to foster a relationship between nations through music. Pre-application is NOT required and admission is FREE! Let’s enjoy inspiring performances and support the friendship event by being part of it.
U.S-Japan Friendship Concert 2024|日米交流演奏会2024
アルカスSASEBO 大ホール
Sunday, March 24
Door open at 13:00
Starts at 13:30
(Scheduled to end around 16:30)
Arkas SASEBO Main Hall (大ホール)
2-3 Miura-cho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki (Map)
Admission: Free!
About The SEVENTH Fleet Band 第七艦隊音楽隊について

Performers| 出演楽団
E. J. King Middle High School |E.J.キング ミドル/ハイスクール
Kyushu Bunka Gakuen High School |九州文化学園高校
Seiwa Joshi Gakuin Junior High and High School |聖和女子学院中学校・高等学校
Sasebo and Saikai Junior All Sters | 佐世保・西海ジュニアオールスターズ