What are the benefits of Toastmasters? We met members of Sasebo FA Toastmasters Club | 90分英語漬け!佐世保FAトーストマスターズクラブの定例会に参加しました!【佐世保de英会話】

The other day, we participated in a meeting of Sasebo FA Toastmasters. Toastmasters is an NPO club where you can hone public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. It originated in the US, so some of you might have already known.


Today’s public speaker | 本日のスピーカー

Members take turns giving 5 to 10 minutes of English speech at the bi-monthly meeting. It sounds challenging even for English speakers, but there will be a great opportunity to build confidence and enhance your presentation skills.


Today’s MC |本日の司会

At the meeting, everyone has roles such as toastmaster (MC), speech evaluator, topic master who provides a topic for a 2-minute impromptu speech, and more. The meeting follows an official toastmaster’s format but performing each role is fun like playing a game.

ミーティング中の会話はすべて英語! スピーチの発表以外にも、司会やスピーチの評価、即興スピーチの進行役など、全員に役割があり、話すチャンスがあります。

Impromptu speech time|即興スピーチタイム

Members of Sasebo FA Toastmasters are so friendly and Japanese members speak English very well. The other day they enjoyed a BBQ party. The authentic Dutch oven dishes look soooo delicious!! If you want to connect with local people, this club will be the perfect fit! You can join the meeting twice for free. For more information, contact: toastmasters.sasebofa@gmail.com .

トーストマスターズでは外国人との交流はもちろん、英語でスピーチや司会をこなすことで、英語力を底上げできます。中級以上の学習者にピッタリ! かなりハイレベルな人もいるのでドキドキするかもしれませんが、皆さんとってもフレンドリー。2回までゲストとして無料で参加できるので、お気軽に参加してください。こちらはBBQパーティーの様子。ダッチオーブン料理が、めちゃくちゃおいしそうです!

8 on-site and 2 online participants

Sasebo FA Toastmasters Club

Meeting: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

2nd Tuesday is held online and at:
Sasebo City Roudou Fukushi Center
2-28 Inari-cho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki 【MAP 】

4th Tuesday is held online only.
Fee: around 1500 yen per month
(Pay semi-annually in advance. The price varies depending on the USD-Yen exchange rate.)
Membership fee: 20 dollars.
Contacts: toastmasters.sasebofa@gmail.com
Website: here



会費:月 約1500円(半年分先払い、ドル相場により変動)
入会金 20ドル
Webサイト こちら

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