In the March edition of the collaboration article with the local monthly magazine “Naradewa!,” we interviewed a very interesting foreign resident. Her name is Shairee Joy. She runs a modeling and marketing agency in Sasebo, Nagasaki.

Q Why did you create your model agency in Sasebo?
――After having traveled to many countries around the world, I was impressed by the kindness of the warm hearted locals that I’d never experienced before.
“I moved to Sasebo with my family on the one condition that I would only live in Sasebo for six months, but I became increasingly fascinated by the beauty of the natural environment of Sasebo, such as the mountains and the sea, that I had never experienced elsewhere. I was also astonished by the safety of the city, where lost items are returned to their rightful owners. Most of the people in Sasebo are very warm, but don’t realize how wonderful they are. Every time I say to them, “You are so beautiful,” I always get negative responses. I realized what I could do was to use my modeling experience to convey the beauty of self-confidence to as many people as possible through fashion. So I decided to start my own company here in Sasebo.”
Q なぜ佐世保でモデル事務所を?
Runway Shows in Sasebo| 佐世保でファッションショー
After Shairee founded her modeling and marketing agency “CatWalk Enterprise INTL,” she held runway shows at Sasebo City Cultural Hall and Nagasaki Velca’s basketball court.
佐世保でモデル&マーケティング事務所「CatWalk Enterprise INTL」を設立。モデルの育成のほか、佐世保市民文化ホールや長崎ヴェルカの試合会場でファッションショーを実現するなど、精力的に活動しています。

We Talk to her students!| 生徒さんにインタビュー!
We interviewed three students who are active in her runway shows as models.

Mitsuki (left)| 雅月ちゃん(左)
”Since I began taking part in the runway shows, I’ve become a more confident person. Now I’m able to proactively do presentations in class! We have an English to Japanese interpreter in our catwalk class, so I have no problems in communicating with Ms. Shairee and the other American students.”
Tora from Alabama (middle) | アラバマ州出身 ノーハイムさん(中央)
”Using my modeling experience, I’m able to teach how to walk the catwalk in the kids class. About Sasebo, I really love the nature here, so I often spend my holidays hiking up Mt. Eboshi. I already have many Japanese friends who are teaching each other’s languages. “
Saoirse from Virginia (right) |バージニア州出身 シャーさん(右)
I couldn’t walk the runway in the US since I wasn’t tall enough. But at Shairee’s modeling agency, we can be models regardless of our height. So, I’m able to pursue my modeling skills more. My main job is as an English teacher for Japanese students. I often go to “MOKU” and “Yoshidaya Syokudo” on weekends to dine out.
母国では身長が足りずランウェイを歩くことが出来なかったのですが、ここでは身長制限なく参加できるのでモデルとしての経験を存分に活かせています♪本業は英語教師。休日はよく“MOKU” や “よしだ屋食堂”に行っています!
International Festival in May |5月にインターナショナルフェスティバル

Shairee’s next project is to create an international festival where fashion and international cuisine are combined! Do look forward to it!
May 12th (Sun.) 11 AM to 5 PM
at Shimanose Park
International food stands, a mini fashion show, a photo booth, face painting experience, and more!
11:00〜17:00 in 島瀬公園
More info : @catwalk_enterprise