The Sasebo Global Kids Challenge was held at the Machinaka Community Center on December 9. This five-month program is organized by the Sasebo City Board of Education in order to nurture children and help them achieve their goals on the global stage. Twenty one sixth-grade students participated this year. On the final day of this program, Mayor Miyajima came to observe the class.
Instructors | 講師陣
The Instructors are Professor Yamazaki from the University of Nagasaki and teachers from a study group called the Program for Intercultural Education and English Studies (PIEES). Three to four American teachers help with each session. “This program is based upon three core pillars: pronunciation, expression, and cross-cultural understanding”, said Professor Yamazaki. As a result, the students’ pronunciation improves dramatically by the end of the eight sessions.
Field Trip to American School | アメリカンススクールを訪問!
In November, the students visited the Elementary School on the U.S. military base here in Sasebo . It was a rare opportunity for the Japanese students to experience American culture firsthand. They toured the school and interacted with American children using English.
With Christmas Spirit! | テーマはクリスマス!
The theme of the last session was Christmas. Zack-sensei introduced Christmas in the U.S. Since his home state is Louisiana where there are many alligators, alligator-shaped Christmas lights are popular. He explained, “We don’t have a tradition of Christmas cakes like Japan! ” That surprised the Japanese students. They also learned about how to enjoy waiting for Christmas Day with the advent calendar.
最終日のテーマはクリスマス。まずはザック先生がアメリカのクリスマスを紹介しました。ワニが生息する先生の故郷ルイジアナ州では、ワニの形のイルミネーションが人気とのこと。また「日本のようなクリスマスケーキはアメリカにはない!」との説明に、一同ビックリ! さらに、キリストの降誕日であるクリスマスまでをカウントダウンするアドベントカレンダーについても学びました。
Shop at Burger Shop|英語でハンバーガーを注文
After their holiday culture lesson, it was a communication time. The students tried to buy and sell meals at a burger shop with American currency. They learned about the US bills and coins and moved on to the role play session.
The students played the role of both salesperson and customer respectively. It wasn’t easy for the children since they had to calculate the payment in US currency. But, everyone was able to complete their assignments smoothly.
Finally, everyone sang “Santa Clous is Coming to Town” together. The Mayor then presented the students with certificates of completion, bringing the Global Kids Challenge to a successful close.
最後はみんなでクリスマスソング「サンタが街にやってくる(Santa Clous is Coming to Town)」を合唱。市長から修了証が授与され、グローバルキッズ・チャレンジが幕を閉じました。
We interviewed Honoka from participants. It was her first attempt at English conversation. Visiting the American School was the most memorable part of the program for her. After the program, she became interested in American culture. With shining eyes, she said “I really want to improve my English.”
The Global Kids Challenge is held every year for 6th grade elementary school students. After we visited the session, we found out that it is truly a great program designed to help children learn English using correct pronunciation as well as learn about a different culture.
グローバルキッズ・チャレンジは毎年、夏から小学6年生を対象に行われます。正しい発音で英語が身につき、異文化も学べる濃い内容のプログラムです。参加料は、とってもお得な500円! 来年、6年生になる児童・保護者さんはぜひチェックしておいてくださいね。詳しくは佐世保市のウェブサイトをご覧ください。こちらへ