I am thinking to start something new this year. ことしは新しいこと、始めたいな~
What about learning how to walk like a model? You can improve your posture. モデルウォークとかどう? 立ち姿がきれいなるよ。
That was the conversation we had at the beginning of this year. After an internet research, we found out that there was only one place to learn the catwalk in Sasebo! It’s Star Light Dance & Vocal School which has been turning out many professional models, singers and dangers. They offer modeling lessons once a month! The one-day lesson is actually English-friendly. So we decided to cover it!
すると1件ヒット! 場所はなんと、タレント養成校でおなじみのスターライトスクール! 月1回開催の「ウォーキングレッスン」 は外国人も大歓迎ということなので、急遽、レッスンの様子を取材をさせていただきました!
Location | 場所
It’s located in Hizukushi-cho, at the back of Nafco. An orange door marks the entrance. Map is here.
干尽町のナフコの裏にあるよ! こちらがスクールの建物です。オレンジのドアが目印。

The instructor is Rina-sensei |こちらがRina 講師
Look at her tall and slender body! The instructor is Rina-sensei , a former professional model in Tokyo. Modeling lessons are held every 2nd Saturday from 4:30 pm to 6 pm. Single drop-in fee is affordable 1,620 yen!
インストラクターは、元プロモデルのRina講師です。この長身! すらりとした長い脚! ウォーキングレッスンは月1回、第2土曜の16:30~18:00に行われています。 1回あたり1620円なんてお得です!

Her model agency was Oscar, which is the most famous in Japan!!
4:30 p.m. Lesson Starts |レッスン 開始
Echan’s Rie-sensei tried the lesson. Students were advised to wear skinny pants and high heeled shoes. She was a little nervous at first.
EチャンのRie先生がウォーキングを体験! 脚のラインが分かる服を着て、持参したハイヒールに履き替えたら、レッスンスタート。Rie先生、緊張して照れ笑い。

The length of Rina sensei’s legs!! (right back)
In the beginning, students learnt correct postures. From small kids to adults, students of all ages attended the lesson. But everyone was able to learn at their own level.
まずは姿勢を確認します。 小学生から大人まで、年齢はさまざま! 講師が個人のレベルにあった指導をしてくれますよ。

After learning the basic how-tos, students tried walking in small groups.

Rie-sensei tried the catwalk as well! The tip is to imagine that you are walking on papers while trying not to rip them.
ではRie先生もウォーキングに挑戦!「 紙が床に敷いてあるのをイメージして、破らないように歩くのがコツ」だそう。

After about 30 minutes, Rie-sensei’s shyness disappeared. She got serious!

The middle school kids already walked like pro models!
お姉さんキッズたちは、 すでに モデル歩きが板についています。

After an hour or so with short breaks in between, everyone was tired. Keeping the right walking posture requires a lot of energy! However, Rie-sensei found out that walking on the catwalk was really fun!
休憩を入れて歩くこと60分、 だんだん疲れが! 姿勢を正して歩くのって、エネルギーを消費するんです! でも、ウォーキングって楽しい!

6 p.m. Lesson ends |レッスン終了
Rie-sensei really enjoyed the lesson. She was excited and said “not only young people but adults over 30 should try this! ” Indeed, great posture makes you look better in photos and gives you confidence. It’s good for everyone!
Rie先生は、かなり充実した体験ができた様子。「30才以上の大人にも、超オススメ!」 と興奮気味でした。姿勢がよくなるとカメラ写りもよくなるし、自分に対して自信が持てるようになりますよね。
Even after one lesson, your walking and posture changes dramatically. I can see how your body would change if you keep at it! I can’t wait to reserve my next lesson.
へ~!すごい!Wow, that’s great!
なにより、美意識がめっちゃ上がる!「何歳だろうと、 キレイを目指してもいいじゃない?」と胸をはって言えるようになったよ!
Above all, it helps to develop your sense of beauty for yourself. After this, I can say with confidence; “No matter how old, I want to become beautiful”!
それ、名言ね。Well said!
Starlight School is English-friendly! |スターライトスクールは外国人も歓迎!
Starlight School always welcomes non-Japanese students hoping to become stars. Aside from the model walking lesson, various dance and vocal lessons are available for a monthly fee.
レッスンのアドバイス!Tips for the lesson:
Bring your “high” heeled shoes. The higher the better! I wore my low-heeled work shoes and felt so short and regret it!
To prevent your shoes from slipping and flying off your feet, bring elastic shoe straps (like from 100 yen shop). Confidence is the key to success!
Star Light Dance & Vocal School
Model Walking Lesson
2nd Saturday from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Fee: 1620 yen (reservation required)
HP: https://www.stl-n.com/stl-n/
Tel: 0956-76-9090