【ご当地グルメ】長崎の味「ハトシロール」Nagasaki’s local cuisine: Hatoshi Roll【ついでに英語の勉強】

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Nagasaki Hatoshi Roll on left, a local delicacy of Nagasaki.
On the right are various deep fried minced fish. The one next to Hatoshi is named Champon-ten, and has actual Champon noodles mixed in them. It tastes like Champon too!

“Hatoshi Roll” is a Nagasaki style shrimp toast.
It’s a deep-fried rolled bread with minced shrimp filling, and is quite a hidden local delicacy!

Shrimp paste inside!

The dish originated in China with over 100 years of history. “Ha” is shrimp and “Tosi” is toast in Cantonese.
During the Meiji peirod (1868-1912), Hatoshi Roll made its way to Japan through the port of Nagasaki and developed into “Shippoku” or Chinese/Japanese/Western-fusion cuisine of Nagasaki city.

So, Hatoshi Roll is actually a local food of Nagasaki city rather than Sasebo. But it’s one tasty snack too good to miss!
You can try Hatoshi Roll at Marunaka Honpo at JR Sasebo Station.

Marunaka Honpo Ekimachi Icchome shop [HP(Eng)] [MAP]

Above shop mainly sells Surimi-age (deep fried minced fish) and is located across from Seattle’s Best Coffee inside the train station building.
You can also purchase frozen ones and microwave them at home.
It’s a perfect snack for all!


外国でもエビをつぶしたものをパンに塗って油で揚げた shrimp toast というメニューがあるので、ハトシロールを英語で言うなら Nagasaki style shrimp toast でしょうか。

「ミンチ」minced、「油で揚げる」deep fry の表現を使って、minced shrimp rolled in bread and deep fried などの説明でも良いですね!
(ちなみに fry だけだと 「油で焼く」のニュアンスになるので注意です)


取材協力:まるなか本舗  えきマチ1丁目佐世保店 [MAP] [HP]

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