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How about having your anniversary or birthday dinner by way of take out? By the way, this coming Golden Week will be the first time everyone will have to stay home. We are all bummed out because of our current situation, but hey, let’s make the best of a bad situation. This time, we would like to introduce you to shops where you can enjoy the feeling of having traveled to an exciting location for your meal.
外出自粛モードの中、記念日や誕生日ディナーはどうしよう?と困っている皆さん! ことしのゴールデンウィークは旅行に行けない!と嘆いている皆さん!今回は おうちでゴージャスな旅行気分を味わえるお店を紹介します。
The Shop List お店のリスト
Michele Brown Steakhouse|ミシェルブラウン・ステーキハウス
nila KAMAL|ニーラーカマル
Michele Brown Steakhouse | ミシェルブラウン・ステーキハウス

Michel Brown Steak House, a popular restaurant offering delicious Angus beef steak, is now available for delivery. They will deliver the steak made by an expert chef, straight to your home. The delivery area is throughout Sasebo city. For those who want the taste of real America, you will satisfy their dishes from their steaks to their side menus. Their fire chicken wings are a super popular menu that most Americans enjoy. Call them to place your order. You can also place your order for takeout.
* For safety reasons, steaks that are delivered, will be cooked slightly longer.
* Please enjoy the steak as soon as possible (within approximately 1 hour of arrival).
世界三大品種”アンガス牛”のおいしさを伝えるステーキ店「ミシェルブラウン・ステーキハウス」では、現在、デリバリーに対応しています。熟練のシェフが焼き上げたステーキを、ご自宅まで届けてくれますよ(佐世保市内)。ステーキからサイドメニューまで本場アメリカの味! ファイヤーチキンウイングは、アメリカ人も太鼓判を押す人気メニューだそう。注文はお電話で。お店でのテイクアウトも可能です。

Michele Brown Steakhouse 湊町 [MAP]
2-9 Minato-machi, Sasebo
Lunch 11:30-14:30
Dinner 17:30-21:00(Fri&Sat 17:30-22:00)
How to order: Call 0956-76-8883.
Delivery area: in Sasebo city.
nila KAMAL |ニーラーカマル

At the truly authentic Thai restaurant “nila KAMAL“, most of the lunch and dinner menus are available for takeout (except for lunch sets and soup noodles). Soups such as Tom Yum Kung can be taken out by bringing your own container of one liter or more. Add their creative soups, deep fried or grilled menus, and desserts to your standard items such as Thai curry or gapao rice. You will feel like you have traveled to Thailand while never leaving home!

From here
nila KAMAL 松川町 [MAP]
17-17 Matsukawa-cho, Sasebo
Lunch 11:30-14:30 (L.O. 14:00)
Dinner 17:30-21:00 (L.O. 20:00)
How to order: Call 0956-25-5077. Drop-in orders are welcome.