Tanada are terraced rice fields on the slopes of mountains. Since they are situated in valleys and mountainous areas, you can enjoy nature’s seasonal views throughout the year. Some are designated as important natural assets and preserved with care.
Tanada in Oniki-cho (oh-knee-key), Hasami-cho, about 30 min drive from central Sasebo, are selected as one of the Best 100 Tanadas in Japan. And their annual Oniki Tanada Festival will be held this weekend on Autumnal Equinox Day, Sept 23, 10:00-15:00.
There will be various events such as free servings of Inaka-jiru (vegetable miso-soup), selling of all-you-can-bundle edamame for 1,000 yen, farmer’s market, and more!
The highlight of this matsuri is the display of uniquely handmade scarecrows, or Kakashi of popular figures/characters of that year. They will be standing for about 3 weeks continuously after the event (you can visit here freely for them).
You can also enjoy cluster amaryllis, or Higan-bana, crowning the green fields.
More commonly known as red spider lilies, they represent the shift from summer to autumn, a welcoming sight after the desperately hot temperatures this year.
Tanada events and kakashi displays are mainly HERE, but there is no parking around the site. Instead, free shuttle bus will be running from Hasami Porcelain Industrial Association across from Yakimono Park (where there’s lots of free parking space) between 9:00-15:40 on the day of the event. Check map below.
For more information, visit Hasami town’s official website (Japanese only)
今年も鬼木棚田まつりの季節がやってきました! 例年通り、秋分の日である9/23(月・祝)に開催予定です。
イベントは午前10時から午後3時まで、 小雨決行とのこと。
イベント会場は、長崎県波佐見町鬼木郷 鬼木グラウンド周辺 → MAP
シャトルバス発着場: やきもの公園むかいの波佐見陶磁器工業協同組合前 → MAP
シャトルバス運行時間: 9:00~15:40
詳細は、波佐見町の公式HP をご覧ください。
今年はどんな案山子が現れるでしょうか? 彼岸花もそろそろ見ごろです♪
ちなみに「案山子」は英語で Scarecrow.
「秋分の日」は Autumnal Equinox Day.
「棚田」は terraced rice fields.
「彼岸花」は cluster amaryllis ですが、red spider lilies のほうが一般的です。spiderを使っているあたりが納得ですね!