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Our very own Echan band club will perform on the night of December 21 at Shimanose Park! Our concert will start at 7pm. We will play 5 pop and rock songs including “All I Want for Christmas Is You ” by Mariah Carey and “Ironic” by Alanis Morissette. Come to Shimanose Park and enjoy a holiday musical night together!
Eチャンバンド部を始めました!12月21日、そのお披露目として、きらきらフェスティバルのミュージックフェアに出演します。ステージは夜7時から30分! アラニス・モリセットのIronic など5曲を演奏しますよ。ぜひ遊びにきてください。
We know that all of you are thinking ” what the heck? “. To tell you the truth, Rie-sensei used to be a vocalist in a band in Tokyo and Yuki-sensei can at least play the tambourine… Since Sasebo is a musical city, it wasn’t difficult to find musicians here.
皆さん 「え~っ、どういうこと?」って思ったはず! 実はEチャンのRie先生、バンド経験者なんです! Yuki先生もタンバリンならたたける!というわけでバンド結成。でも佐世保は音楽の町!あっという間にメンバーが集まりました!
Four musicians joined the band for our show including a couple professionals. 今回の演奏では、なんとプロのミュージシャンを含む4人が参加してくれたの!
Sasebo is truly amazing! さすが佐世保ね!
We are aiming to invite new members every time to enjoy music together! 毎回、いろんなゲストをメンバーに迎えて、音楽を楽しみたいな。
Band Members|今回のメンバー!
Guitarist: Ken Dutchess
All-round musician who plays piano and guitar from heavy metal to classic. Played as a professional guitarist in LA, Seattle and Portland. Released 3 relaxation music CDs in 2019. And believe it or not, he is also a skilled reiki healer and fortune teller. For more information, See: https://www.instagram.com/kenshealingroom/
Keyboard: Reiko Black
Professional classical pianist, trained in Poland and Vienna. Awarded piano teacher at European International Piano Concours in Japan. Teaching piano for both Japanese and Americans.
Reiko Daidoji Piano Class
Tel: 090-1169-4740
Drummer : Miku
A music major in collage playing percussion. 20 years old, the youngest member of this E Chan band! Loves singing, eating, and traveling.
音楽専攻の大学3年生。特技はパーカッション! 歌、食べること、弾丸旅行好き。
Bassist : Fikkie76
Loves UK rock, soccer, and beer. After being a guitarist in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo, he came back to his hometown Sasebo. This time he joins as a basist.