Did you know there is a medical English class for healthcare professionals in Sasebo? Under the cooperation of the U.S. Naval Branch Health Clinic Sasebo, Sasebo City General Hospital holds an English class about once a month.
Started in 2014 | 2014年にスタート
When the organizer Dr. Yuichi Fukuda started a medical English class in 2014, it was for medical residents inside the Sasebo City General Hospital. But now healthcare workers from the other local hospitals and clinics can participate. In December’s class, we met several aspiring nursing school students as well. Dr. Fukuda expects our US Navy-Town, Sasebo’s unique English class can help increase the number of healthcare professionals who choose to stay in Sasebo and contribute to the local healthcare using their English.
この医療英会話教室を立ち上げたのは福田 雄一医師です。2014年に院内の研修医向けの講座としてスタート。しかし今では近隣の医療従事者も参加できるようになっています。取材した12月のクラスでは意欲的な看護学生の姿もありました。福田医師は、基地のまち佐世保ならでわの英会話教室を通じて、多くの研修医や医療従事者が佐世保に残って活躍してもらえるようになればと語っていました。
Lecturer is Physicians from the Navy Clinic |講師は米軍診療所スタッフ
Physicians from Branch Health Clinic Sasebo take turns as lecturers. This time, Dr. Katsushi Suenaga, a Japanese fellow, served in the role. December’s theme was abdominal diseases. He first, introduced English words for each part of the digestive tract and diseases related to that area.
講師は米軍診療所の医師が交代で担当。今回は医療実習生として基地内に勤務中の末永 勝士医師でした。テーマは腹部の疾患について。まずは消化管の各部位と関連する疾患を英語で紹介します。
Original Materials Made by Physicians |医師オリジナルの資料
The prepared materials were his original, English phrases list for medical interviews and an English and Japanese disease list. “At the medical interview, there are many fixed phrases,” said Dr. Suenaga. Indeed, his phrase list covered a series of common questions including patients’ symptoms, the degree of pain, and medication and allergy status.
Medical English Exchange |医療を通じた国際交流
In the second half, some cases were introduced in Japanese and English, and the participants discussed what kind of diseases were suspected. As the conversations went deeper, the English class became more like a learning session for both Japanese and American physicians. We were impressed by how seriously the residents looked into CT images and analyzed them.
Great Activity for American Physicians |アメリカ人医師にとっても有意義
Capt. Carol M. Ellsworth, NBHC Sasebo OIC, approves this medical English class as a wonderful activity. It’s a great opportunity for American physicians themselves to learn Japanese medical care. Her team decides each class’s topic by discussion in order to learn about a variety of medical specialties.
佐世保米軍診療所 所長のキャロル M・エルスワース大佐も、この医療英会話教室を素晴らしい取り組みだと語ります。米軍診療所にとっても日本の医療を知る良い機会。講座のトピックは、さまざまな診療科について学べるように、チームで話し合って決めているそうです。
Dr. Suenaga, Japanese Fellow & USFJ Employee |在日米軍従業員として働く末永医師
Dr. Suenaga works at the U.S. Naval Branch Health Clinic Sasebo as a USFJ Employee under the Japanese Physician Fellowship Program provided by the U.S. Naval Hospital Yokosuka. When he worked on a remote island in his home prefecture of Kagoshima, he learned that keeping remote islands active without letting them be depopulated or abandoned is extremely important from a national security perspective. This sparked his interest in working at the Navy base. While examining patients at the clinic, he also plays a role as a communication bridge, explaining the differences between Japanese and American medical care to his colleagues, and taking the initiative in transporting patients who cannot be treated at the clinic to other local hospitals. After completing the one-year program, he hopes to work in the United States.
末永 勝士医師は、横須賀米海軍病院が提供する日本人フェロープログラムを利用して、在日米軍従業員として海軍佐世保基地診療所に勤務しています。地元鹿児島の離島に勤務した際、離島の生活を健全に維持すること(過疎地・無人島にしないこと)が国防の面でとても大事だという事実を知り、基地内で働くことに興味を持ったのだそう。診療所では患者の診察に加え、日米の医療の違いをアメリカ人医師に伝えたり、診療所で対応できない患者を他病院に運ぶ際、率先して取り次いだり、コミュニケーションの架け橋としても活躍中。1年間のプログラム終了後はアメリカで働きたいそうです。
What do you think about this medical English class? After the class, we saw a student deeply thank Dr. Suenaga, “Your materials are really helpful!” We found English learning opportunities in specific fields are highly valuable to people in need.