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We here at Sasebo E Channel (aka. Echan) have created our own original sticker! It’s pretty much water-proof so you can put it up almost anywhere. Our stickers are available at several local shops here in Sasebo. Feel free to take one! Supplies are limited, so be sure to pick one up before they’re gone. We are once again in the middle of another Covid-19 high alert period. So, we hope that ordering food to go and picking up our sticker at the same time will help to show support for our local shops. If you can take a photo with our sticker and mention @saseboechan in your Instagram Stories, we would be grateful.
Sasebo E Channel is a non-profit information website run by Sasebo city and citizens. “E” stands for English. We are aiming to make our city more international by our activities.
Click the shop’s name to jump to its info. 店名をクリックして詳細へ
【Central| 中心部】
finger lickin | フィンガーリッキン
Brooklyn Beach | ブルックリンビーチ
Kukken Hiroba| くっけん広場
Romanitic Blast|ロマンチックブラスト
Smile & Smiley | スマイル&スマイリー
Bright Idea | ブライトアイデア
Kozeni Banchou|小銭番長
HTC with LUCROSS| HTC with ラクロス店
Parufan Bakery |パルファンベーカリー
Cafe mimi | カフェ mimi
【Northern Area| 北部地区】
Calico Coffee |キャリコ・コーヒー
【Southern Area| 南部地区】
aulii hair | アウリィヘアー
Sorrisoriso | ソリッソリソ(東彼杵町)
【Municipal Facilities and others|公共施設】
Us Navy Base & Municipal Places | その他公共施設
させぼEチャンネルのステッカーを作成しました。枚数限定で、読者やSNSフォロワーの皆さんに無料で差し上げます。防水仕様なので、車など雨ざらしになる場所以外は、どこでも貼れますよ。今回は上記の取り扱い店舗さんにご協力いただきました。蔓延防止対策期間中ですので飲食店応援を兼ねて訪れた際に、一枚ご自由に取っていただけますと幸いです。入手した方はインスタグラムのストリーズで @saseboechan をメンションしてくださいね。
EチャンのEはEnglish のE!佐世保市と市民がタッグを組んで立ち上げた非営利の情報サイト&SNSです。”えいごで佐世保を盛り上げる”をモットーに活動しています。
A homey guest house run by a friendly female owner. The rooms and lounge space can be rented for a co-working/party/event space. The B&B rate starts around 5000 yen/per night.
finger lickin | フィンガーリッキン
⌚ 11am – 8 pm
Closed: Wed.
Hawaiian-style garlic shrimp, crazy beef steak, and garlic grilled chicken are all delicious! Famous among navy Americans.
⌚ 11am~ 8 pm
定休日 : 水
Brooklyn Beach | ブルックリンビーチ
⌚ 12pm – 11:45pm
Covid-19 high alert period: until 7pm
Closed: Irregular
100% beef American-style burger and gigantic parfaits are its specialties. Famous among navy Americans.
⌚ 12pm ~ 11:45pm
(時短営業中は 7pm まで)
定休日 :不定休
Kukken Hiroba| くっけん広場
⌚ 10am- 6pm
Closed :Year-end and new-year holidays only
Free Wi-Fi available. Delicious deep-fried horse mackerel set, Japanese navy curry and souvenirs.
⌚ 10am ~ 6pm
定休日 :年末年始
Romantic Blast|ロマンチックブラスト
⌚Hours: 6pm- 4am
*Covid-19 high alert period: 2pm to 8pm
Closed: irregular
Friendly vibes and good music. A secret spot for delish foods
Pre-order is required for takeout menu.
⌚ 6pm ~ 4am
(時短営業中は 2pm ~ 8pm )
定休日 : 不定休
カフェ&バーですが、実は料理が絶品とのうわさ。 テイクアウトは要予約。
Smile & Smiley | スマイル&スマイリー
⌚ 11am-11pm
Covid-19 high alert period: need to be confirmed
Closed Thu.
Famous for its Hawaiian pancakes and French toasts. Famous among navy Americans.
⌚ 11am ~ 11pm
定休日 : 木
Bright Idea | ブライトアイデア
⌚2pm – 7:30pm
Closed: Irregular
Only one skateboard shop in Sasebo run by a locally popular owner. The epicenter of skateboarding culture in Sasebo.
⌚ 2pm ~ 7:30pm
定休日: 不定休
Kozeni Bancho| 小銭番長
⌚5pm – 1am
Closed: Irregular
Across from the movie theater, you will see this unique and bright neon sign. With the entrance fee , all snacks and drinks are only 100 yen (cans of beer are 200 yen) . Friendly staff and an easygoing atmosphere.
⌚ 5pm ~ 1am
定休日: 不定休
映画館の前の赤い看板が目印! 入場料 男性は600円、女性は400円を払えばスナック菓子・おつまみ類とドリンクが100円!(ビールは200円)。フレンドリーなスタッフさんとカジュアルに飲めるのが魅力です。
HTC with LUCROSS |HTC with ラクロス店
⌚8 am – 6:30pm
Closed: Sat. Sun.
A coffee stand inside the Lucross building. Tasty coffee, tea, snacks and sandwiches. Its fruits sandwiches are really popular.
⌚ 8 am ~ 6:30pm
定休日: 土日
Parufan Bakery |パルファンベーカリー
⌚6:30 am – 3pm
Closed: Sun.
One of the most beloved bakery shops in Sasebo. Their sweet bread and savory bread are old-school and delicious!
⌚ 6:30 am ~ 3pm
定休日: 日
佐世保人なら誰でも知ってる!? 懐かしい&おいしい学食パンの店
Cafe mimi |カフェ・ミミ
⌚11am – 3pm
Closed: Mon.
Zakka & Cafe Mimi is annexed to a hair salon next to Erena in Nakiri-cho. Its monthly limited version of frappes are so popular. Coffee drinks, tea, fruit sandwiches and more.
⌚ 11am ~ 3pm
定休日: 月
Calico Coffee |キャリコ・コーヒー
⌚ 10:30am – 5:30pm
Closed Tue.
Offering a hand roasted quality coffee. Only the best beans are selected. Nationwide shipping available.
⌚ 10:30am ~ 5:30pm
定休日: 火
aulii hair | アウリィヘアー
⌚10am ー7pm
Closed: Monday, the fist Sunday
A small and cute beauty salon in Haiki area. There is a play area for kids inside. Mom with kids are welcome!
⌚ 10am~ 7pm
定休日: 月曜日・第1日曜日
Sorrisoriso|ソリッソリッソ 千綿第三瀬戸米倉庫
⌚10am – 6pm
Closed: Tue. Wed.
A stylish retail complex and community space including a cafe, a Sonogi green tea shop, and galley.
⌚ 10am ~ 6pm
定休日: 火、水
Other Places| 他の設置場所
・佐世保市役所11階 教育委員会 社会教育課 窓口