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Fireworks will be set off at 10 SECRET places TOMORROW!

場所はどこだ!?| So, Where will they held?
しかし!佐世保の夏の風物詩である豪華な花火は健在です! 8月8日の夜、市内10カ所で打ち上げられるとのことですよ。 時間と打ち上げ場所はシークレット! どこで見られるのか楽しみですね。
まずは佐世保市、北部地区の4カ所で打ち上げられるとの情報が! ちなみに佐世保駅裏の新みなと暫定広場での打ち上げはありません。あと6カ所はどこなのか気になるーー! そんな方はシーフェス公式サイトのインスタやTwitterをチェックしましょう!
Sasebo Seaside Festival is one of the biggest summer events in Nagasaki and many people in Sasebo look forward to it every year. Unfortunately the event performances and food stands were cancelled due to the Covid situation. However its signature fireworks show will be held tomorrow on August 8! The show will take place at 10 different places in the city at the same time. But where will be set off are totally secret! Also, starting time is not announced yet.
It seems 4 out of 10 places are displayed in the northern part of Sasebo. This year they excluded its usual event space, the backside park of Sasebo Station, because of the safety and sanitary reason. To know more about the secret places, follow its instagram or twitter (Japanese only).
【花火で元気と笑顔を| To Cheer up Citizens of Sasebo with Fireworks】
2021年の夏は、オリンピックで元気をもらった人も多いのでは? シーフェスの花火もきっと市民を元気づけるものになるでしょう。今年のシーフェスのテーマは「つなぐ ~明るい未来へ~ 花火で元気と笑顔を」。 今年の夏、佐世保に帰省できない家族や友人に、写真や動画を送ってシェアするのもいいですね。
This summer 2021, the Olympic games are giving energy to the people. The fireworks displays of this year’s Seaside Festival will also achieve this. The theme of this year’s event is “cheer up people and make them smile to bring a bright future to Sasebo” , So let’s take photos or videos and send them to your remote friends and family you miss.
*Enjoy fireworks while keeping distance, avoiding crowds and enclosed spaces.

#シーフェス2021 で10名様にプレゼントがもらえるよ
Facebook、Twitter、Instagram公開アカウントに、①花火の写真または動画、②コメント、③ハッシュタグ “#シーフェス2021”を付けて投稿すると、10名様にプレゼントがもらえるよ。テーマの「つなぐ ~明るい未来へ~ 花火で笑顔と元気を」が伝わる写真であることが条件です。
① シーフェスの公式FacebookまたはTwitter、Instagram をフォローしてください。
募集期間 令和3年8月8日~令和3年8月22日
抽選発表 令和3年9月10日以降
Post your photo or video with “#シーフェス2021” to get a prize.
Take a photo or video of the fireworks show, and post it on your Instageam, Twitter, or Facebook with your comment and hashtag #シーフェス2021. From all those who applied, 10 people chosen by lot will receive a prize! The photo should represent the theme of this event, “cheer up people and make them smile to bring a bright future in Sasebo”
①Follow Seaside Festival ‘s official FacebookまたはTwitter、Instagram .
② Your post should be open to public (not private or partially public status ) on SNS
③Miners require parents consent.
④Your photo or video may be shown on its official SNS accounts and may be used for its promotional activities.