Hydrangea Viewing Spot in Sasebo/ 佐世保のおすすめ紫陽花スポット【2021】

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Hydrangeas (ajisai) have just started blooming here and there in Nagasaki. We are going to introduce hydrangea-viewing spots in Sasebo! Normally hydrangeas will be at their best around mid to late June. But, the best time will come earlier than usual this year.

Hydrangea Festival in Huis Ten Bosch| ハウステンボス あじさい祭

Hydrangea Festival will start on Saturday, May 29 in Huis Ten Bosch. The largest number in Japan, 1250 varieties of hydrangeas will dominate the huge garden. It features 800 meters of hydrangea road, hydrangea market, and hydrangea canal.

Date: May 29 (Sat.) to June 27 (Sun.)
Website:【 Click Here
Map: 【 Click Here

Eboshi Sports & Garden Park| 烏帽子スポーツの里

Located on the top of Mt. Eboshi, Eboshi Sports & Garden Park is a great place to enjoy both sports and flower viewing. Over 2,200 hydrangeas are planted there. Kids can enjoy go-cark, roller skating, sledding, basketball and more. Also, it has a dog park.

烏帽子スポーツの里は、スポーツと花見を両方楽しめるスポット! 園内には2200株のあじさいが植えられています。ゴーカートやローラースケート、バスケットボールなど子供向けの遊具設備が豊富。ドッグランもあります・

Hydrangeas season: Mid June to Early July.
Website:【 Click Here
Map: 【 Click Here

Sechibaru Ajisai Road| 世知原あじさいロード

Sechbaru Ajisai road stretches from Ishizaka pond to Hotel Yamanoren in Uenohara district in Sechibaru-cho. About ten thousands of colorful hydrangeas will bloom on both sides of the 4.5km driving road.


Hydrangeas season: Around Mid June.
Website:【 Click Here
Map: 【 Click Here

【The origin of Hydrangea otaksa | おたくさの由来】

The first person who introduced this flower to western people was a German doctor, Siebold in 19th century. After he got kicked out of Japan and separated from his beloved wife, he named blue ajisai “Hydrangea otaksa” after his wife’s name “Otakusa (Otaki-san)”. The name wasn’t accepted officially for many reasons. But people in Nagasaki city call this flower “Otakusa” and have been passing down the love story of Siebold and his wife to posterity.

アジサイといえば、最初に日本にこの花を紹介した人物は、ドイツ人の医師シーボルトでした。シーボルトは日本を追放され最愛の妻と生き別れたあと、ヨーロッパの人々にアジサイを“Hydrangea otaksa”と紹介したそう。“おたくさ”は妻のお滝さんのこと。その名前は正式には登録されませんでしたが、長崎市の人々は、アジサイを「おたくさ」あるいは「お滝さん花」と呼んで、親しんでいます。

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