Brooklyn To Go will open on February 3rd. The take-out only, parfait and shake shop is now having pre-opening events every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 12:00 to 6:00pm. They are offering 3 kinds of parfaits and 5 kinds of shakes for discounted prices. The menu is below.

Brooklyn To Go is an affiliate shop of Brooklyn beach, a much loved local American style cafe and bar. Its signature parfaits are the main feature of its new shop. The parfaits are huge and super photogenic. Their namesake, Brooklyn Parfait for example, will have chocolate chips, whipped cream, marshmallows, and even a scone on top of a huge shake cup. The Choco Banana Parfait is all chocolate and bananas from top to bottom. Wow what sweet decadence! If you want to indulge in delicious American sweets, you can have almost everything in one delicious parfait.
The shop is located on the main road (the national route 35) across From a FamilyMart close to the public library. English menus and English speaking staff are available.

Pre-opening: Fri, Sat, Sun until Feb 3rd
Grand opening: Feb 3rd.
0 p.m. – 10 p.m. (close on 6 p.m. until Feb. 7th )
Closed :Irregular
6-14 Sakae-machi, Sasebo
Map : here
More photos and the map from here, information provided by SAFEE
パフェのテイクアウト専門店「Brooklyn To Go」がプレオープン中です。店名を聞いてピンと来た人もいるかもしれません。そうブルックリンビーチの系列店で、あのメチャ映え!なパフェがいろんなバージョンで食べられるみたい! 正式オープンの2月3日までは、パフェ3種類とシェイク5種類がお得な価格で食べられるそう(金、土、日の12:00~18:00 )。このご時世に、とにかくハッピーな気分を味わいたい!そんな人の願いを叶えてくれそうですね。
indulge in または indulge oneself in は、“~で(欲求などを)満たす、~で甘やかす”の意味で使えます。in の後にはスイーツやビール、旅行、エステなど、“自分へのご褒美”に相当するものが来ますよ。
have a pre-opening event プレオープンのイベント(企画)を開催する
*pre-opening は形容詞で“プレオープンの”。
affiliate shop 系列店
signature 看板の~、代表的な
decadence 堕落、デカダンス
*decadenceはスイーツ系の雑誌記事でよく見かける表現。chocolate decadenceなど。甘美なものにどっぷり浸る(溺れる)ニュアンスです。