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回答はこちらから → [国勢調査2020総合サイト]
Has someone with a blue bag and a blue armband come to your door and tried to give you some envelope? Don’t slam the door on them thinking they are some kind of a salesperson. They are “Census Takers”!

【Japan Census 2020】
The Census covers everyone that has lived or plans to live in Japan for more than three months, regardless of nationality. Everyone that is covered is legally obliged to respond, so please be sure to do so.
Your responses will only be used to create statistics and will not be used in any way for immigration control, police investigations, or other such purposes.
READ MORE HERE (Census 2020 Official Website)
【Answer 16 questions online in English!】
Once you receive the documents, responding to the Census questionnaire is very easy… you can do it online in following languages:
Japanese, English, Chinese (Simplified, Traditional), Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese
READ MORE HERE (Census 2020 Official Website)
【Deadline is Oct 7!】
If you don’t submit the questionnaire by Oct 7, the Census Taker will visit your house again to collect the papers which you’ll have to then hand-write.