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In the post-COVID-19 world, it has been quite normal for us to choose either eat-in or to-go according to the situation. At Echan, we did some research and listed restaurants that allow you to order takeout meals in English. This time we features shops located in the central area of Sasebo.
The Shop List お店リスト
Ohana Cafe | オハナ・カフェ
Queen Kebab | クィーンケバブ
Burger & Pizza Y’s Burger SASEBO
RE PORT |リポート
GO! GO! CURRY Nagasaki Sasebo Stadium
Tabito nekoto | 旅と猫と
Brooklyn Beach|ブルックリンビーチ
Ohana Cafe | オハナ・カフェ

Ohana Cafe run by an owner who loves Hawaii, it is really popular among healthy eaters. Most of their menu such as acai curry, sandwiches, and smoothies are available for take out. They carefully choose ingredients without using trans-fatty acids or white sugar. The Acai bowl is filled with cold acai berries, granola, and fruits, it’s a great choice to help you recover from summer fatigue!
ハワイ好きのオーナーが営むオハナ・カフェでは、アサイーを使った料理や体に優しいスイーツが人気です。 アサイーカレーや、サンドイッチ、スムージーなど、ほとんどのメニューがテイクアウト可。冷たいアサイーやフルーツの入ったグラノーラは、夏の疲れを取るのにオススメですよ。

Ohana Cafe 塩浜町 [MAP]
Hours:Weekdays 9:30-18:30
Sat. 9:00-18:00, Sun. & holiday 9:00-17:00
Closed: Fri.
How to order: Call 080-9107-1087, Drop-in orders are welcome.
Queen Kebab |クィーンケバブ

Next is, Turkish taste of kebabs, They offer kebab sandwiches, rolls, fries, rice balls and salad. You can choose your favorite main ingredients like chicken, beef, beef and chicken, lamb, and falafel. There are 5 different kinds of sauce to choose from. The kebab dishes are huge so that they will satisfy anyone with a big appetite!
街中のケバブ店といえばクィーンケバブ! こちらのケバブサンド、ケバブフライ、ロール、丼、サラダなどもテイクアウトが可能です。メインの具を選んで、ソースの種類を選びましょう。ボリュームたっぷりなので、ガッツリ食べたい人にお勧めです。

Queen Kebab 下京町 [MAP]
Hours:11 am – 9 pm
Closed: Non
How to order: Call 0956-59-6700, or DM to its Instagram Drop-in orders are welcome.
Y’s Burger SASEBO |ワイズバーガーSASEBO

A newly opened burger and pizza shop, Y’s Burger SASEBO offers 12 kinds of homemade pizzas and delicious burgers: you will be surprised at the quality of its buns which are made from the bakery Tashiro, a locally famous bread shop!
テイクアウト専門店Y’s Burger SASEBOでは12種類のピザとバーガーがテイクアウト可能です。ピザの生地は手作り!バーガーのバンズはベーカリーTashiroさんのパンが使われていて、表面はこんがり、中身はふんわりでモチモチですよ。

Y’s Burger SASEBO 下京町 [MAP]
Hours:11 am – 2 pm, 5 pm – 7 pm
Closed: Mon
How to order: Call 0956-24-0300, or DM to its Instagram Drop-in orders are welcome.

At Cafe.5 (Cafe Dot Five), stylish bentos, including tomato grilled cheese chicken, loco moco, and curry rice are available for take out at 1000 yen! (There is a 200 yen discount without rice). They also have Angus beef steak which is perfect for a wonderful dinner! Take out orders are only accepted by phone.
Cafe.5 (カフェドットファイブ)では、トマトグリルチーズチキン、ロコモコ、カレーなど9種類のお弁当がライス付きで1000円 !(ライスなしは200円引き)。ごちそうディナーに最適なアンガスビーフステーキも!予約はお電話のみ受付。

Cafe.5 万津町 [MAP]
7-6 Yorozu-cho, Sasebo
How to order: Phone only 0956-22-8505
RE PORT |リポート

REPORT offers two lunch boxes to go (braised pork, and shrimp and chicken lemon curry). There are also amazing desserts including their signature chiffon cakes, coffee, tea, homemade ginger ale, lemonade, shakes and more ! Place an order by phone.
RE PORTではランチのルーロー飯と海老とチキンのレモンカレーの2種がテイクアウトできます。その他、名物のシフォンケーキを含むデザートのほか、ドリンクメニューも豊富。ご予約はお電話で。

Take out 11:00-15:00
Lunch Box (LO: 14:30)
Taiwanese braised pork w/ rice 900 yen
Shrimps and chicken lemon curry w/rice 800 yen
Chiffon Cake 600 yen
Chocolate gateau 600 yen
Cheese Cake 550 yen
Salt and milk ice cream 450 yen
coffee, tea, green tea, shakes, homemade lemonade, homemade ginger ale, etc.
Closed :Tue
How to place an order: Call 0956-23-1120, Drop in orders are acceptable. But you may have to wait for long.
GO! GO! CURRY|ゴーゴーカレー

Go Go CURRY is on a mission to serve not only amazingly tasty curry, but also to provide a source of high energy. It serves Kanazawa-style curry and rice: the dark and thick curry sauce, and interesting toppings, with thinly shredded cabbage on the side will really cheer you up! During the hot summer, why don’t you give yourself a tasty break, and head on over to satisfy your curry cravings ?
“元気の源 ゴーゴーカレー”は、濃厚なルーと付け合わせのキャベツが特徴の金沢カレーのお店です。カツカレーや、ゴリえもんカレーなど元気が出そうなメニューがたくさん! お好みのトッピングもプラスできます。夏の疲れがたまってきた方は、日本の国民食、カレーを食べるべし!

Hours 10:55 am~10:55 pm
How to order: Drop-in orders are available. Buy a ticket at the ticket machine.
Tabito nekoto | 旅と猫と

From “Tabito nakoto”, “Hakkou & hakkou Soup” and “Yakuzen soup curry” are available to help boost your immunity. Yakuzen is a method of cooking based on traditional herbal medicines. The hakkou & hakkou Soup contains a lot of fermented ingredients, vegetable, and tofu. In addition, its popular meatballs and daily specials are available for take out. The price range is reasonable from ¥300 to ¥500. Reservations can be made from Instagram DM.
“旅と猫と”では、免疫力アップメニューとして「発酵&発酵スープ」が登場。発酵&発酵スープは、オーガニックの薬膳だしと味噌、酒粕、豆腐、お野菜などがたくさん入ってるそう!30種類以上のスパイスや生薬が入った薬膳スープカリーも復活! 人気のミートボールや日替わりのデリなどもあります。価格帯は300~500円とリーズナブル。予約はインスタのDMから。

Tabito nekoto 旅と猫と 常盤町 [MAP]
Hours :17:00~24:00 (23:30 OS)
Closed : Sun
How to order: Instagram, Drop in orders are acceptable but meals may be out of stock.
Brooklyn Beach|ブルックリンビーチ

Everything on Brooklyn Beach’s menus are now available for take out! The super high-calorie “Brooklyn Parfait” is also available in a cup, it’s so cute! They offer real American-style cuisine such as fish and chips, spicy chicken wings, mac & cheese, and burgers!
ブルックリンビーチのメニューがなんと全品テイクアウトできるようになりました! モンスター級にハイカロリーなブルックリンパフェもカップ入りだと、あら可愛い♪ホットチリウイングや、 超アメリカンなメニューをご家庭でどうぞ。

Brooklyn Beach 栄町 [MAP]
3-3-11 Sakae-cho, Sasebo
How to order: 0956-55-8264, drop-in orders are welcome.
See more takeout shops| 関連記事