The Sasebo burger is our city’s specialty. It was created in the 1950s from a recipe from the US Navy base. These big handmade burgers are crafted with an original sauce that’s very popular nationwide. “What do the foreign residents in Sasebo think of our delicious Sasebo burgers?” In the October edition of the collaboration article with the local monthly magazine “Naradewa!,” we conducted a street interview to get to know the answer. In the article part 1, we’re reporting how the street survey went (click here).
皆さんは、「外国人の方って、佐世保バーガーのことをどう思ってるの?」って気になったことはありませんか?10月号のならでわ×Eチャンのコラボ記事では、実際に聞いてみることにしました!日本語版はならでわさんのWebサイトへ 【コチラ】
Visited the most popular Sasebo burger place!
As a result of the street interview, we found out that burgers from Log Kit were the most popular. We decided to visit the restaurant and eat one. The people in charge of tasting are Ryan and Lisa, huge Sasebo burger fans!

According to the owner, many non-Japanese customers choose a big-size cheeseburger. So, Ryan tried Jumbo W Cheese Burger (1,793 yen) which is the most cheesy one. “I’ve eaten many Sasebo burgers, but this is the first time I have one with a crispy cheese skirt which is popular in the US. It’s so good!”, said Ryan. Risa chose a healthy Avocado Burger (1,188 yen) since a burger with avocado is another rare burger in town and she loved it!

Ryan, who claims Sasebo burgers are the most delicious burgers in Japan, says “I come to Log Kit when I miss my hometown. The woody interior and cozy atmosphere reminds me of my hometown America.” He loves its original sauce that brings out the flavor of the 100% beef patty. Sasebo burgers are a proper meal, not just a snack to him. “I always get hungry soon after I eat a usual burger, but a Sasebo burger fills your stomach since it has everything in one burger: meat, egg, cheese, vegetables, and more if you add.”
The Result of Echan’s SNS Survey!
We, Sasebo E Channel. also conducted the same survey on our SNS. We received a variety of answers about their favorite Sasebo burgers places. Maybe it’s because SNS users have a more keen eye on what’s happening in their town. We got many new shops as well as three long-established Sasebo burger places (Log kit, Hikari, and Big Man). Stamina Honpo Kaya is very popular among non-Japanese English teachers. The affordable price, the size, and the crispy potato wedges win their heart through their stomach. We collected about 30 voices from our followers. Here are some comments from our followers.
Stamina Honpo Kaya: The sauce tastes so good, added with tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese. And the bun is toasted to perfection.
Sasebo C&B Burger: I did the Sasebo Burger Stamp Rally a couple of years ago. My favorite is Sasebo C&B. I love the many size options, the sides are tasty, and the nice touch of the heart in the bun!
Misa Rosso: My favorite is Misa Rosso. There’s something about that sauce!
Y’s Burger Sasebo: Because they have vegetarian burgers.
Bell Beach Burger: Just the right combination and amount of toppings for the best taste.
Bronx Burgs: Bronx’s burgers are tasty and the presentation is well thought out.
KORON SaseboBurger&Cafe: Koron is impressive to me. The size and the combination of the meat, thick bacon, and black buns give it an appealing visual effect!
*To all followers and friends who answered our survey, thank you very very much!