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Obon is one of Japan’s most significant occasions. Commonly observed between Aug 13 and 16, it is an annual Buddhist event for commemorating family’s ancestors. It is believed the ancestors’ spirits return to this world during this week.
In general, people place offerings in front of Buddhist alters at home, including horses and cows made of cucumbers and eggplants as a means of transportation for the deceased. Here in Nagasaki, we place “kousako,” traditional sugar confectionary made from rice and flour.
To many Sasebo citizens, Obon is time for fireworks at cemetery and Spirit Boats. After cleaning the tombstones and offering prayers, many people enjoy handheld fireworks there, which is a (very!) unique custom of Nagasaki.
The Spirit Boat Procession, or Shoro Nagashi, is taken place in the evening of August 15. It’s also an unique and traditional culture across Nagasaki prefecture. Beautifully decorated boats carrying the spirits of those who passed away within a year are carried down streets amid clamor of gongs and firecrackers.

In 2024, Spirit Boats will be parading in areas of Sasebo on Aug 15 from late afternoon to around 21:00.
Area | Time/Venue |
Central | 19:00-21:30 [MAP] (at Chuo Park) |
Haiki | 17:30-21:00 [MAP] |
Hiu | 18:00-20:30 [MAP] |
Nakazato Kaize | 17:30-20:30 [MAP] |
Ainoura | 17:30-20:30 [MAP] |
Yoshii | 18:00-20:30 [MAP] |
Sechibaru | 18:30-20:30 [MAP] |
Kosaza | 18:00-20:00 [MAP] |
Shikamachi | 18:00-20:30 [MAP] (at the breakwater in Kuchino-Sato reclaimed land) |
会場名 | 時間・場所 |
中央 | 19時00分~21時30分 中央公園(名切) |
早岐 | 17時30分~21時00分 早岐公園 |
日宇 | 18時00分~20時30分 佐世保高専グラウンド横 |
中里皆瀬 | 17時30分~20時30分 中里皆瀬支所駐車場 |
相浦 | 17時30分~20時30分 総合グラウンド陸上競技場駐車場 |
吉井 | 18時00分~20時30分 吉井地区コミュニティセンター前 |
世知原 | 18時30分~20時30分 躍進の泉公園 |
小佐々 | 18時00分~21時00分 大悲観公園駐車場、楠泊バス停前広場 |
鹿町 | 18時00分~20時30分 口ノ里埋立地横防波堤 |
お盆て何? 精霊流しってどう説明するの?
Have Happy Obon-Holidays!