An English Rakugo event will be held on Sunday, July 28, 2024. Rakugo is a Japanese comic storytelling art which was developed as a form of entertainment during the Edo Period (1603–1868). Kimochi, one of the rare English rakugo performers, will perform a unique style of monodrama called yose. In addition, an English speech workshop will be held by the event host, Sasebo FA toastmasters club. You can try some some small public speech if you want. Admission is free. Apply now from the QR code on the flyer image.
7月28日、英語落語家 喜餅さんを招いたイベントが行われます。日本の伝統文化芸能のひとつである「落語」を、英語で聞いてみませんか? さらに主催の佐世保FAトーストマスターズが、英語スピーチを体験できるワークショップも開催。英語を楽しみたい大人のための無料イベントです。チラシ画像のQRコードより、お気軽にお申し込みください。
Who is KIMOCHI? 喜餅さんとは?
Kimochi is one of the rare English Rakugo performers in Japan. After studying under his master Eiraku Kanariya in 2010, he has been active in Japan and abroad for more than 10 years. His English Rakugo is acclaimed as “addictive.”
Profile: https://www.kimochi2010.com/profile
What is Toastmastars Club? トーストマスターズクラブとは?
Toastmasters is an NPO club where you can hone public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. It originated in the US. New members are always welcome. We visited their meeting last year. If you’re interested in, read the article below.
ENGLISH RAKUGO Sasebo FA Toastmasters Club Event
Date: July 28 (Sun.) 13:30 – 15:30
Place: Sasebo City Roudou Fukushi Center
(佐世保市労働福祉センター) 【MAP】
2-28 Inari-cho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki
Admission: Free
How to Apply: the QR code on the flyer image.
Parking: Available
If the parking is full, use that of the water treatment plant across from the venue.
ところ:佐世保市労働福祉センター 【MAP】