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The other day(actually in late July), we went to restaurant Kitchen Labo in Yamatocho (MAP). It’s a hideaway Italian restaurant located in a quiet residential area. Although it offers authentic Italian cuisine, but it has a cozy and casual atmosphere. The owner horned his skills in Italy and worked several other countries, so he can speaks Italian and English.
We ate spaghetti with summer veggies tomato basil sauce. Seasonal vegetables, flavorful basil. and grated Parmigiano-Reggiano on top were amazingly delicious. And the corn chowder that came with the light meal set (+350 yen) , was divine! From basic Italian peperoncino or pizza Margherita to Japanized mentaiko (spicy cod roe) spaghetti, there are plenty of choices and all affordable (see the slide show below).
Takeout meals are available. Also, you can rent out the restaurant for private dining. Because of the quality of meals and helpful services, Kitchen Labo will be listed on your favorite restaurants in the city.
今回、ご紹介するのは大和町の住宅地にある隠れ家イタリアン「キッチンラボ」さんです。オーナーさんはイタリアを始め、海外で長く経験を積まれた方で、英語での対応もされています。 もちろん英語メニューもあり。すでに外国人の常連さんもいらっしゃるとのことでした。
Yuki先生とRie先生は夏野菜のトマトバジルパスタをいただいたのですが(取材は7月でした)、粉チーズ(本場のパルメジャーノ・レッジャーノですって!)がたっぷりかかってて美味。 軽食セットのコーンスープは、このスープを目当てに訪れる人も多いかも!思えるほど絶品でした。お料理は本格的なイタリアンなのに、店内は食堂のようなカジュアルな雰囲気。美味しくて、値段も手頃、英語対応OKで、テイクアウトや貸し切りの対応もあり。頼りになる町のレストランだと思いました。
Kitchen Labo (キッチンラボ)
📍 119-20 Yamato-cho, Sasebo(大和町), Sasebo MAP
🕔 11:30 am – 2:30 pm、5:30 pm – 9:30 pm
(Fri. Sat. until 10:30 pm )
Closed: Wed.
℡ 090-6427-1917
*Business hours shortened until September 6
Closed at 8 pm. Alcoholic beverages served until 7pm.
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