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Food loss or food waste is an increasingly serious problem worldwide. An estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted globally each year according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. So today we will be introducing one activity we can do.
Sasebo City is conducting a project called “Food Drive” to reduce food loss. They collect surplus foods from households and offices, then provide them for people in need, especially for the children’s diners: an initiative that provides meals for children in special need. Bring your surplus foods in your cupboards to “Kankyo Center” or the municipal environment office, in Inari-cho. Then you can reduce your refuse and contribute to society.
【What kind of foods can we donate?】
The food needs to fulfill all three requirements below.
1) Unopened
2) Have more than 1 month to the expiration dates or best before dates
3) Able to store at room temperature
4) Limited to items bought in Japanese territory. Those bought in the American base are not acceptable.
For example,
・Grains: wheat, noodles, rice, beans, etc.
・Preserved food: dried/pre-packed/canned/jarred food
・Seasonings and condiments
・Cooking oil
・Drinks: tea, juice, coffee, etc. But except alcoholic drinks
and so on.
【Where and when to bring? 】
Bring your food to Kankyo Center next to “Sasebo-Keirin” or the bike racing track, in Inari-cho. You will also see a Lawson next to the Center. They accept weekdays only.
The Address and a map are as follows.
Address: 1-8 Inari-cho, Sasebo [MAP]
Date & Time: Weekdays only, from 8:30 am to 5:15 pm
Tell: 0956-32-2428 (Japanese only)
佐世保市では、食品ロスを削減するため、家庭や事業所などで余った食料品を集めて市内の子ども食堂などに提供する「フードドライブ」という活動を行っています。家にある余った食品を稲荷町にある環境センターへ持っていくだけ! 引き取ってもらった食品を有効に使ってもらえるので嬉しいですよね。ぜひ活動に協力しましょう。
【持ち込み場所 & 受付時間】
時間:平日 8時30~17時15分
住所:佐世保市稲荷町1−8 [MAP]
お問い合わせ:0956-23-2428 佐世保市 廃棄物減量推進課