何事にも打ち勝つ!開運の神様「宮地嶽神社」へお朔日参り!&「佐世保空襲慰霊碑」【名切】Visit to Miyajidake Shrine & Sasebo Air Raid Memorial Monument

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On Dec 1, the Echan girls went to do a “Tsuitachi Mairi”, a ritual to visit shrines on first day of the month!

お参り先はココ! We chose this shrine!

【宮地嶽神社 / Miyajidake Shrine】

この階段を上ります / we walked up these stairs

佐世保市宮地町1-7 [MAP] [HP] 駐車場あり
1-7 Miyaji-cho, Sasebo [MAP] [Website (Japanese)] Parking available

厄除け開運はもちろん、「何事にも、打ち勝つ開運の神」として、多くの方に信仰されているそうです。 これは参らなくては~!
This “jinja” (shrine) is worshiped by many people as a place to ward off evil and bring good luck, and that enshrines “God that defeats all“.  Oh we definitely have to pray here!

階段を登りきると茶屋が(閉店中)/ A little tea house (closed)

One of the deities worshiped here is Empress Jingu who is said to be a warrior queen. We must follow her example!

こちらで手を清めて~ / Cleanse your hands here
これは何だ!? / What do we see!?
セルフでお祓いをするものだそう / it’s a self-ward-off-bad-luck wand
「祓え給い(はらえたまい)、清め給え(きよめたまえ)」と3回唱える / Lightly shake the wand over your shoulders from left, right, left while chanting “harae tamae, kiyome tamae (ward of bad luck, purify me)
いよいよお参り! / Here’s where we make a wish!

Generally how to pray is: ring the bell, throw in a coin, bow twice, clap twice, pray (make wish), and bow. Check this video for more! 

The shrine is known for its various types of “omikuji” (written oracles). There’re English ones too! According to Yuki sensei, oracles here are quite strict.

小吉。「Pretty Good」だって。/ Our fortune was “Pretty Good”.

There were many “omamori” (good luck charms) too. Rie sensei bought holy salt.

【佐世保空襲慰霊碑 / Sasebo Air Raid Memorial Monument 】

宮地嶽神社から歩いて5分。 / 5 min walk from Miyajidake shrine.

Next, we headed to Sasebo Air Raid Memorial Monument. (click here to read more about Sasebo Air Raid)

佐世保市名切町2−156 [MAP] 駐車場なし
2-156 Nakiri-cho, Sasebo [MAP] no parking

一度は訪れたい場所です。/ A place we all should visit once.
近くにはちょっとした川も。/ There’s a little creek nearby.

いかがでしたか? / What do you think?

Visiting the shrine was fun and the monument park had lots green and was very relaxing. Do visit these places for a nice a walk!

お腹が空いたらこちらへ / Hungry after a walk?

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