Hello everyone, Naoko-sensei’s Japanese recipe No.8 is fluffy matcha tofu doughnuts! Matcha flavored snacks have already been popular worldwide. Also, this doughnuts use tofu, another popular Japanese ingredient. So that you can be proud at any potluck parties when you are back to your country. But to tell you the truth, it’s super easy!
今回はなおこ先生のレシピは、「ふわふわ抹茶豆腐ドーナッツ」。抹茶のスイーツは、もはや世界的に人気ですね。もう1つの日本の食材、豆腐も入っているため、外国人との持ち寄りパーティーにピッタリ! でもこのレシピ、目からウロコ! 超簡単なんです!
・ 100 g Pancake (or hot cake in Japanese ) mix
・ 130 g Silken tofu
・ 1.5 tbsp Matcha powder
・ Granulated sugar
・ Salad oil
・ 1 Ziploc
(単語) Silken tofu 絹豆腐、 granulated sugar グラニュー糖

Step 1. Mix ingredients in a Ziploc. / ジップロックで材料を混ぜる
1. Combine pancake mix and matcha powder in a Ziploc and mix.
2. Add silken tofu and mix well.
You don’t need to drain water from the tofu. Just rinse it.
(単語)drain water 水を切る、rinse 水でゆすぐ
Step 2.Deep-fry doughnuts dough . / ドーナツを揚げる
1. Cut one corner of the Ziploc with scissors to make a hole.
2. Heat salad oil in a pot.
3. Push out the doughnuts dough. Then, cut off it into a bite size piece with oil-covered chopsticks. Drop it in the pan. Repeat the process.
Tip 2. Have tips of chopsticks covered with oil. So, you can release the dough in the pan easily.
4. Deep-fry the doughnuts until a little brown.
5. coat the doughnuts with sugar .
(単語) scissors ハサミ、push out 押し出す、a bite size piece 一口大、until a little brown、やや茶色になるまで
Naoko-sensei’s Sasebo Star Cooking Class
Schedule: temporary closed due to the novel coronavirus situation
Time: from 10 am to 1 pm
Fee: 2500 yen for adult, 1500 yen (U 18), 1000 yen (U 15)
Place: Nishi-chiku Community Center (see the map below)
Contact and reservation :
英語で学べる料理教室「させぼスタークッキングクラス」は 西地区公民館で開催中。外国人と一緒に料理が学べますよ。
Naoko sensei’s Profile
Naoko Mori 森なおこ
‐Studied French cuisine under a former chief chef at Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (ホテル椿山荘東京) for 3 years.
‐Acquired Japanese and herbal cuisine skills.
‐Cooking teacher for 10 years for Japanese and 7 years for Americans
‐Coordinating cooking classes for American cooking teachers