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Roland: Japan’s most successful male club host
“Hosts” in Japan are the pretty-looking men with big hair in tux or suites who work at “host clubs”. Their job is to entertain ladies for a no-string-attached fun and no one does it better than this 27 yr-old Roland, the so-called emperor of Japan’s host industry.
Also a business owner and a talent, Roland is known for his witty quotes. They are funny yet (sometimes) surprisingly insightful. So check them out and see what the Master of Seduction has to say!
Roland quotes /
- 「世の中には、2種類の男しかいない。俺か、俺以外か」
- There are only 2 types of men in this world – me, and the rest.
rest の代わりに others でもOK!
- 「 甘い言葉いい過ぎて、虫歯になりそうだから、全部、歯もセラミックに変えた 」
- Because I sweet-talk so much, I might get cavities, so I changed all my teeth to ceramic.
- 「 よく女性を見つめて、本当綺麗な顔だねって言うんだけど大半は瞳に映った自分の顔に対して言ってるだけだから 」
- I often stare into girl’s eyes and say “your face is so beautiful” but I’m really looking at my own reflection in the girl’s eye.
- 「 仕事って大人の遊びみたいなもの な」
- Work is like play for adults.
play の代わりに gameとしてもいいかも!
- 「 俺の吐く息は空気清浄機よりも綺麗だからね 」
- My breath is cleaner than an air purifier.
- 「 ブサイクの対義語は「ROLAND」 」
- The opposite of ugly is “Roland”.
- 「 隣の芝も青くしちゃう 」
- I can also make the grass green on the other side.
元の「隣の芝は青い」はThe grass is greener on the other side.
- 「 仕事のやり方には三種類あると思っている。正しいやり方、間違ったやり方、そして、俺のやり方 」
- There are 3 ways to do things: right way, wrong way, and my way.
- 「 100人中100人に『できない』と言われたら、諦めるのではなく100人全員が間違っていると証明すればいい 」
- If 100 out of 100 people say “you can’t”, don’t give up, just prove that all 100 people are wrong.
「~中」はout of. 「証明」はprove.