Sasebo city declared “the city development with promoting “moral education” in 2012. Under the slogan “Sharing Smiles, Expressing Gratitude”, a small episode is introduced on the page of Sasebo City’s PR magazine every month.
Here are two slogans of “Promoting Moral Education” calendar in December.
Say “Hello”; let’s build a community with our warm hearts!
(PTA of Hiroda E.S)
Like your kids’ smiles more than your “likes” on your phone!
(PTA of Miya E.S)
If people in Sasebo get to know each other and build good relationship to talk to one another, we can realize the great city and community where people can feel mutual goodness.
「声かけて 心を広げる 地域の輪」(広田小PTA)
「“いいね”より 子どもの笑顔 大切に」(宮小PTA)
#sasebo #佐世保 #echan #Eチャン #tokuiku #徳育 #hyougo #標語